
php bash

Laravel Artisan Commands Cheatsheet

Artisan is Laravel's powerful command-line interface. Use `php artisan list` to view all...


JSON File Reading and Decoding

This PHP script reads a JSON file (data.json), decodes its contents using json_decode(), and...


Create Database Migration in Laravel

This Laravel Artisan command creates a migration file named create_table_name that can be used...


Calculate Mean and Standard Deviation of NumPy Array

Learn how to calculate the mean and standard deviation of an array in Python using NumPy. This...


React Custom Hook for API Requests

This React snippet introduces a custom hook, `useFetch`, designed to manage API requests within...


Smooth Scroll to Contact Element on DOM Content Load

This JavaScript code listens for the DOMContentLoaded event, retrieves an element with the ID...


Sorting an Array in JavaScript

This JavaScript code demonstrates how to use the sort method to sort an array. The sort method...


JavaScript Reverse Array

This JavaScript code demonstrates how to reverse the elements of an array using the reverse...