

Sort List of Objects by Attribute in Python

This Python code defines a Person class, creates instances of Person, and then sorts the list of...


Image Slider

This JavaScript code simulates a simple image slider with functions to display the current,...


Calculate Mean and Standard Deviation of NumPy Array

Learn how to calculate the mean and standard deviation of an array in Python using NumPy. This...


Execute Shell Command using 'child_process' module

This Node.js code utilizes the 'child_process' module to execute the 'ls -l' shell command. It...


Calculate Distance Between Two Points

This JavaScript code defines a function calculateDistance that computes the Euclidean distance...


Middleware to Restrict Access to Admins in Laravel

This Laravel middleware checks if the user is authenticated and is an admin. If the conditions...


JavaScript Display To-Do List

This JavaScript code uses the join method to concatenate the elements of the todoList array into...


Create and Save Random Color Grid as PNG Image

This Python script creates a 10x10 grid of random RGB colors using NumPy, converts it into a PIL...