numpy pil image-processing random-colors grid-generation image-resizing nearest-neighbour png-image data-visualization
Published on January 26, 2024By DeveloperBreeze
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Generate a 10x10 grid of random RGB colors
grid_size = (10, 10)
grid = np.random.randint(0, 256, (*grid_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
print("Generated a random 10x10 grid of colors.")
# Convert the grid into a PIL Image
image = Image.fromarray(grid)
print("Converted the grid into a PIL Image.")
# Scale up the image to 512x512 pixels using Nearest Neighbor interpolation
scaled_size = (512, 512)
image = image.resize(scaled_size, resample=Image.NEAREST)
print(f"Scaled up the image to {scaled_size} pixels.")
# Save the resulting image as 'result.png'
output_file = 'result.png'
print(f"Image saved as '{output_file}'.")
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