Laravel Artisan Commands Cheatsheet
Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel, providing numerous commands to assist in building applications. This cheatsheet covers essential commands for various tasks such as creating models, migrations, controllers, and more.
General Commands
- List All Commands
php artisan list
- Display Help for a Command
php artisan help [command]
- Display the Current Laravel Version
php artisan --version
- Cache Configuration
php artisan config:cache
- Clear Configuration Cache
php artisan config:clear
- Cache Routes
php artisan route:cache
- Clear Route Cache
php artisan route:clear
- Cache Views
php artisan view:cache
- Clear View Cache
php artisan view:clear
- Clear All Caches
php artisan cache:clear
- Run All Migrations
php artisan migrate
- Rollback the Last Migration Operation
php artisan migrate:rollback
- Reset All Migrations
php artisan migrate:reset
- Refresh All Migrations
php artisan migrate:refresh
- Fresh Migration (Rollback and Run All)
php artisan migrate:fresh
- Run Specific Seeders
php artisan db:seed --class=SeederClassName
- Create a New Migration
php artisan make:migration create_table_name
- Create a New Seeder
php artisan make:seeder SeederName
- Create a New Factory
php artisan make:factory FactoryName
Models, Controllers, and More
- Create a New Model
php artisan make:model ModelName
- Create a Model with Migration
php artisan make:model ModelName -m
- Create a New Controller
php artisan make:controller ControllerName
- Create a Resource Controller
php artisan make:controller ControllerName --resource
- Create a New Middleware
php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareName
- Create a New Event
php artisan make:event EventName
- Create a New Listener
php artisan make:listener ListenerName
- Create a New Job
php artisan make:job JobName
- Create a New Command
php artisan make:command CommandName
- Serve the Application Locally
php artisan serve
- Generate Application Key
php artisan key:generate
- Run Tests
php artisan test
- Optimize the Framework for Better Performance
php artisan optimize
- Clear Compiled Classes and Services
php artisan clear-compiled
Queue and Jobs
- Start Processing Jobs on the Queue
php artisan queue:work
- Restart Queue Worker Daemon
php artisan queue:restart
- Flush Failed Queue Jobs
php artisan queue:flush
- Create a New Notification
php artisan make:notification NotificationName
- Create a New Mail Class
php artisan make:mail MailClassName
- Create a New Policy
php artisan make:policy PolicyName
- Create a New Rule
php artisan make:rule RuleName
This cheatsheet provides a quick reference to the essential Laravel Artisan commands needed for day-to-day development tasks. For more detailed usage, refer to the Laravel documentation.
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