

Fibonacci Sequence in JavaScript

This JavaScript code defines a function fibonacci that calculates the nth Fibonacci number...


JavaScript Display To-Do List

This JavaScript code uses the join method to concatenate the elements of the todoList array into...


Python Decorator to Uppercase Result

This Python code defines a decorator uppercase_decorator that can be applied to functions. The...


Read and Display Filename from a Text File

This Python script demonstrates how to open and read a file, display its name, print its...


Matrix Multiplication in Python using NumPy

This Python code demonstrates matrix multiplication using the NumPy library. Two matrices...

javascript python

Reversing a String in JavaScript: A Simple Guide

This JavaScript code defines a function reverseString that takes a string (str) as input and...


Batch File Renaming Using os Module

This Python script renames files in a specified directory by either adding a new extension or...