Microsoft sql server


Define Dynamic Route with Parameter in Laravel

This Laravel route definition creates a dynamic route that includes a parameter...


Create a NumPy 1D Array

Discover how to create a one-dimensional array in Python using NumPy. This simple example...


Querying Data from Database Table in Laravel

This Laravel Eloquent ORM code queries data from the 'MyModel' table where the value of the...


Execute Shell Command using 'child_process' module

This Node.js code utilizes the 'child_process' module to execute the 'ls -l' shell command. It...


Retrieve All Data from Database Table in Laravel

This Laravel Eloquent ORM code retrieves all records from the 'MyModel' table. The all() method...


Detect Dark Mode Preference

This JavaScript code checks whether the user prefers dark mode by using the window.matchMedia...


Batch File Renaming Using os Module

This Python script renames files in a specified directory by either adding a new extension or...


Promise-based Execution of Python Code with jsPython

This code snippet uses a jsPython() object to run Python code from JavaScript. The evaluate()...


JWT Token Creation and Verification in Node.js using 'jsonwebtoken'

This Node.js code uses the 'jsonwebtoken' module to create a JWT token with a payload and set...