Function wrapping


JavaScript Remove Duplicates from an Array

This JavaScript code removes duplicates from an array by converting it to a Set, which...


JavaScript Add Animation to HTML Element

This JavaScript code selects an HTML element with the ID animatedElement using getElementById...


Close Futures Hedge Positions on Binance with CCXT Library.

This Python script uses the CCXT library to interact with Binance futures. It fetches open...


Generate MySQL-Formatted Dates

Use `date()` in PHP to format timestamps. For example, `date('Y-m-d')` gives the current date,...


Try-Catch for Exception Handling

This JavaScript code demonstrates the use of try-catch blocks for exception handling. The throw...


Promise-based Execution of Python Code with jsPython

This code snippet uses a jsPython() object to run Python code from JavaScript. The evaluate()...


Construct File Path using 'path' module

This Node.js code uses the 'path' module to construct a file path using path.join. The resulting...


JavaScript Image Gallery with Lightbox

This snippet demonstrates how to create an elegant and interactive image gallery with a lightbox...