

PHP Generate Random Password

This PHP code generates a random password by shuffling a set of characters and selecting the...


Read JSON Data from a File

This Python code uses the json module to read JSON data from a file ('data.json'). The...


Try-Catch for Exception Handling

This JavaScript code demonstrates the use of try-catch blocks for exception handling. The throw...


Python Decorator to Uppercase Result

This Python code defines a decorator uppercase_decorator that can be applied to functions. The...

json python

Python Code Snippet: Simple RESTful API with FastAPI

This Python snippet uses FastAPI to create a simple RESTful API for managing a list of books. It...


Parse URL and Query Parameters

This Node.js code demonstrates parsing a URL, extracting query parameters using the 'url' and...


Filter SQLAlchemy Query for Records Created Between Specific Dates

This code snippet uses a SQLAlchemy query on the Model table to retrieve all records where the...


Python Threading for Concurrent Execution

This Python code demonstrates the use of threading to achieve concurrent execution of two...