Complex layouts


Blade View in Laravel Extending Layout

This Laravel Blade view extends a layout named 'app' and defines a content section with a...


File Upload with Type Validation in PHP

This PHP code checks if a file has been submitted, validates its type (allowing only 'jpg' or...


How to Paste in an SSH Terminal Without a Mouse

Learn keyboard shortcuts to paste into an SSH terminal without using a mouse on Linux, macOS,...


Various cURL Examples for API Interactions

This snippet includes various cURL examples demonstrating different HTTP methods, data formats,...


Laravel CSRF-Protected Form

This Laravel Blade code represents a form with CSRF protection. The @csrf directive generates a...


Calculate Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers

This JavaScript code defines a function calculateGCD that uses the Euclidean Algorithm to...


JWT Token Creation and Verification in Node.js using 'jsonwebtoken'

This Node.js code uses the 'jsonwebtoken' module to create a JWT token with a payload and set...