Check constraint

json python

Python Code Snippet: Simple RESTful API with FastAPI

This Python snippet uses FastAPI to create a simple RESTful API for managing a list of books. It...


Dynamic and Responsive DataTable with Server-Side Processing and Custom Styling

This script initializes a responsive DataTable with server-side processing, custom styling, and...


Fetch JSON Data from API in JavaScript

This JavaScript code uses the Fetch API to make an asynchronous request to the JSONPlaceholder...


Calculate Distance Between Two Points

This JavaScript code defines a function calculateDistance that computes the Euclidean distance...


Create Event and Listener in Laravel

These Laravel Artisan commands create an event named 'MyEvent' and a listener named 'MyListener'...


JavaScript Class with Constructor and Method

This JavaScript code defines a Person class with a constructor for initializing properties (name...


Create and Print Buffer

This Node.js code creates a Buffer from the string 'Hello, Node.js!' and prints the content of...