Heroku CLI Cheat Sheet
Getting Started
heroku login
Log in to your Heroku account from the command line.
heroku logout
Log out from your Heroku account.
App Management
Create an App
heroku create [app-name]
Create a new Heroku app. The app name is optional.
List Apps
heroku apps
List all Heroku apps you have access to.
Rename an App
heroku apps:rename new-name
Rename an existing app.
Delete an App
heroku apps:destroy --app app-name
Permanently delete an app.
View Config Vars
heroku config
Display all configuration variables for an app.
Set a Config Var
heroku config:set KEY=value
Set a configuration variable.
Unset a Config Var
heroku config:unset KEY
Remove a configuration variable.
Deploying Code
Deploy with Git
git push heroku main
Push code from your local repository to Heroku (assuming main
is your default branch).
heroku rollback
Roll back to the previous release.
heroku releases
List recent releases.
View Logs
heroku logs --tail
Stream logs from your app in real-time.
List Add-ons
heroku addons
List all add-ons for an app.
Add an Add-on
heroku addons:create addon-name
Add an add-on to your app.
Remove an Add-on
heroku addons:destroy addon-name
Remove an add-on from your app.
Dyno Management
Scale Dynos
heroku ps:scale web=1
Scale the number of web dynos to 1.
View Dyno Status
heroku ps
List dynos for an app and their current status.
Restart Dynos
heroku ps:restart
Restart all dynos for an app.
Database Management
List Databases
heroku pg
List all Heroku Postgres databases for an app.
Open PostgreSQL Console
heroku pg:psql
Open an interactive console to the database.
Backup Database
heroku pg:backups:capture
Capture a backup of your database.
Restore Database
heroku pg:backups:restore BACKUP_URL DATABASE
Restore a database from a backup URL.
Add a Collaborator
heroku sharing:add email@example.com
Add a collaborator to your app.
Remove a Collaborator
heroku sharing:remove email@example.com
Remove a collaborator from your app.
Additional Commands
Open App in Browser
heroku open
Open the app in your default web browser.
Run a Command
heroku run command
Run a one-off command in your app environment.
Maintenance Mode
heroku maintenance:on
Enable maintenance mode.
heroku maintenance:off
Disable maintenance mode.
Command Help
heroku help command
Display help for a specific command.
This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for the most essential Heroku CLI commands. You can always use heroku help
for more detailed information about specific commands or visit the [Heroku CLI documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/categories/command-line) for more comprehensive details.
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