Posts tagged with 'getBalance'
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Getting Wallet Balance Using Ethers.js in Node.js
Tutorial October 24, 2024
Using a Public Node to Query Wallet Balance (Alternative)
If you don't want to use Infura, you can connect to a public Ethereum node:
const ethers = require('ethers');
// Replace this with your Ethereum wallet's private key or mnemonic phrase
const privateKey = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_OR_MNEMONIC';
// Use a public Ethereum node URL (this is a public node for demonstration purposes)
const publicProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('');
// Create a wallet instance using your private key and connect it to the public node provider
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, publicProvider);
// Function to get the balance of the wallet
async function getWalletBalance() {
// Get the wallet's balance in wei
const balanceInWei = await wallet.getBalance();
// Convert the balance from wei to Ether for readability
const balanceInEther = ethers.utils.formatEther(balanceInWei);
// Log the results
console.log(`Wallet Address: ${wallet.address}`);
console.log(`Wallet Balance: ${balanceInEther} ETH`);
// Execute the function
Step 4: Replace Your Private Key and Provider
- Replace
with your actual Ethereum wallet's private key or mnemonic phrase. - For the Infura method, replace
with the Infura Project ID you received when you created your Infura account.