Crafting Beautiful CLI Tools with Node.js: Make Command-Line Interfaces Fun

5 min read
javascript nodejs

Crafting Beautiful CLI Tools with Node.js: Make Command-Line Interfaces Fun



Command-line interfaces (CLIs) are powerful tools that allow users to interact with software through text commands. While CLIs are traditionally functional, they don't have to be boring. By using Node.js, you can create CLI tools that are not only powerful but also visually appealing and fun to use. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to build a beautiful CLI tool using Node.js, with a focus on enhancing user experience through colorful output, progress bars, and interactive prompts.

1. Setting Up Your Node.js Environment

Step 1: Install Node.js

Before you start building your CLI tool, ensure that Node.js is installed on your machine. You can download and install it from the [official Node.js website](

Step 2: Initialize Your Project

Create a new directory for your CLI tool and initialize a Node.js project:
mkdir beautiful-cli
cd beautiful-cli
npm init -y

This command generates a package.json file that will hold your project's metadata and dependencies.

2. Building the CLI Tool

Step 1: Install Essential Packages

To create a visually appealing CLI tool, you'll need to install some packages that will help you manage command-line arguments, style output, and handle user input:
npm install yargs chalk inquirer ora

  • yargs: Handles command-line arguments and options.

  • chalk: Adds color and style to CLI output.

  • inquirer: Provides interactive prompts for user input.

  • ora: Displays stylish progress bars and spinners.

Step 2: Creating a Basic CLI with yargs

Start by creating a simple CLI that accepts commands and options using yargs. Create a new file named index.js:
#!/usr/bin/env node

const yargs = require('yargs');
const chalk = require('chalk');


    command: 'greet',
    describe: 'Greet the user',
    builder: {
        name: {
            describe: 'Name of the user',
            demandOption: true,
            type: 'string'
    handler(argv) {
        console.log(`Hello, ${}!`));


In this basic setup:

  • The greet command requires a --name option.

  • The output is styled using chalk to display a green-colored greeting.

To make the index.js file executable as a CLI tool, add the following line at the top of the file:

#!/usr/bin/env node

Also, update your package.json to include a bin field:

"bin": {
  "beautiful-cli": "./index.js"

Now, you can run your CLI tool with the command:

npm link
beautiful-cli greet --name=John

This should output:

Hello, John!

3. Enhancing the User Experience

Step 1: Adding Interactive Prompts with inquirer

To make your CLI tool more interactive, you can use inquirer to prompt users for input:
const inquirer = require('inquirer');

    command: 'create',
    describe: 'Create a new file',
    handler() {
                type: 'input',
                name: 'filename',
                message: 'Enter the file name:'
                type: 'list',
                name: 'extension',
                message: 'Choose a file extension:',
                choices: ['.js', '.txt', '.md']
        ]).then(answers => {
            console.log(`Creating file: ${answers.filename}${answers.extension}`));
            // Add your file creation logic here


This code adds a create command that prompts the user to enter a filename and select a file extension. The results are then displayed with a styled message.

Step 2: Implementing Progress Bars and Spinners with ora

For tasks that take some time, such as downloading files or processing data, you can use ora to display a spinner or progress bar to indicate activity:
const ora = require('ora');

    command: 'download',
    describe: 'Simulate a file download',
    handler() {
        const spinner = ora('Downloading file...').start();

        setTimeout(() => {
            spinner.succeed('Download complete!');
        }, 3000);


Here, the download command simulates a file download by displaying a spinner for 3 seconds before completing the task.

4. Styling Output with chalk

chalk allows you to style your CLI output with colors, bold text, underlines, and more. Here’s how you can use chalk to make your output more visually appealing:

console.log('Error: Something went wrong!'));
console.log(chalk.yellow('Warning: Check your configuration.'));
console.log('Success: Operation completed successfully.'));
console.log(chalk.cyan.underline('Visit our website for more information.'));

You can combine multiple styles to create a more readable and user-friendly CLI.

5. Structuring a More Complex CLI

For larger CLI tools with multiple commands and options, it’s essential to structure your project efficiently. Consider splitting commands into separate files:

    • Create a commands/ directory.

    • Move command logic into separate files within this directory.

    • Import and register these commands in your index.js.



const chalk = require('chalk');

const greet = {
    command: 'greet',
    describe: 'Greet the user',
    builder: {
        name: {
            describe: 'Name of the user',
            demandOption: true,
            type: 'string'
    handler(argv) {
        console.log(`Hello, ${}!`));

module.exports = greet;


#!/usr/bin/env node

const yargs = require('yargs');
const greet = require('./commands/greet');




This modular approach makes it easier to manage and expand your CLI tool as it grows in complexity.

6. Packaging and Distributing Your CLI Tool

Step 1: Preparing for Distribution

To share your CLI tool with others, you’ll need to package it properly. Ensure that your package.json file has a bin field and all dependencies are listed.

Step 2: Publishing to npm

If you want to make your CLI tool available to the world, you can publish it to npm:

    • Log in to your npm account:

npm login

    • Publish your package:

npm publish

Users can then install your CLI tool globally using:

npm install -g your-cli-tool

7. Conclusion

Creating a beautiful CLI tool with Node.js can transform the command-line experience from a mundane task into something enjoyable and efficient. By using libraries like yargs, chalk, inquirer, and ora, you can build CLIs that are not only functional but also engaging and user-friendly.

This tutorial has covered the basics of setting up a Node.js CLI tool, adding interactive prompts, implementing progress indicators, and styling the output. With these tools at your disposal, you can craft a CLI that stands out and provides a delightful user experience.

Experiment with different features, and customize your CLI to meet the needs of your users or team. As you become more familiar with these libraries, you’ll find new ways to enhance your CLI and make command-line interactions more enjoyable.

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